the return statements in functions

Let me start with a fact: Every function returns a value when called.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I was surprised to know about it in the first place!

Let’s see an example to prove my point: Alt Text


Welcome to my blog post

Did you see that? When I called the function, it has returned the special type None. The variable post stores it and prints it out in the second line.

Now, we can explicitly return a value from a function by using the return keyword.

return statement

  • The return statement includes a return keyword followed by an expression.
  • An expression is a set of conditions which produces a value.
  • So, the return statement can contain an expression or an explicit value to be returned.
  • A return statement also ends the function execution. This means that any statements inside a function following the return statement will not be executed.
  • Take a note that return statement cannot be used outside a function.

Let’s code a few examples:

1) Single return statement

Alt Text Output:


As you can see in this example, we have given an expression which returns the product of given two numbers.

2) Multiple return statements

Alt Text Output:

Try again!

Here, an explicit value is specified in multiple return statements.

3) return statement with multiple values

Alt Text Output:

(21, 63, 210)

This example returns dynamic values in a tuple based on the given argument.

Code along and have fun.

Aswin Barath

Aswin Barath

My name is Aswin Barath. I’m a technical blogger and budding software engineer