print function in python

print() function and input() function makes the program more interactive with the user.

Although, there are some extra things we can do with print() which makes the output formattable.

Functionalities of print() function

  • Let’s start with the syntax: print(object(s), sep=separator, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)
  • Fact: In python, all data types are implemented as an object.
  • object(s): Will accepts any number of objects, which will be converted into a string before printed. We can pass it in two way:
    1. Concatenated: Alt Text
    2. Comma seperated: Alt Text Output:
      Enter any number: 2021
  • sep=’separator’: This is Optional. Used to specify how to separate the objects, if there is more than one. Default is ‘ ‘ (space). Alt Text Output:
    Enter any number: 2021
    year:   2021
  • end=’end’: This is Optional. Used to specify what to print at the end. Default is ‘\n’ (new line). Alt Text Output:
    Enter any number: 2021
    year: 2021  month: Jan
  • file: This is Optional. Default is sys.stdout. Used to specify the name of the file to write the output. If the file doesn’t exist, it will create a new file. Alt Text Output (in ‘Greetings.txt’ file): ``` !!! Wish you a happy new year !!! Enjoy the year—>2021—> and the month —>January


And, that’s it for today. Code along and have fun ;)

Aswin Barath

Aswin Barath

My name is Aswin Barath. I’m a technical blogger and budding software engineer